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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Bermuda Triangle Chapter 2 The lost of Ships & Planes above the curse area

 Chapter 2 The lost of Ships & Planes above the curse area

5 TBM Avenger torpedo bombers

The mystery of Bermuda Triangle are began with the lost of "Fight 19" in 1945. 6 TBM Avenger torpedo bombers, along with their crews, had been gone without any trace above the Bermuda Triangle. In 5 December 1945, 5 TBM which had been missing are during in their practices, which take places along with the Bermuda Triangle line. Their take off at Fort Lauderdale, which is a military air base during World War II. But above of all, the route for those 5 TBM is that go East 160 Mile, North East 40 Mile and come back again, this make it become a "Triangle", which people gavew them so many names, such as, "The Devil Triangle", "The Triangle of the Death", "The curse sea" and "The grave of Atlantic Ocean". Also after the lost of 5 TBM planes, the US air forces sent 1 rescure plane to search for the surviver called, "PMB-5 Mariner", that also missing later on.....

PMB-5 Mariner

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